Quiz @ Wheeler - November 6
Posted 31 Oct, 2021 04:45 PM by Stephen
- COVID protocols:
- Masks will be required for everyone, except when we're eating lunch.
- Anyone with possible symptoms must stay home. Coaches are encouraged to check temperatures before coming, and they will be checked upon arrival.
- Location is Wheeler.
- Arrive by 9:30am.
- Material is Romans 1-11.
- Review General Info, particularly:
- Registration costs and options
- For your new quizzers: Photo release forms
- Register your team(s) after you sign up/log in.
- Register any memory verse awards (cupcakes!):
- Let Stephen know if you have a quizzer or adult who would be willing to share how God has been using the quizzing material in their life.
- Lunch is pizza and salad for $5.
- As this is our last quiz before December, we will be selecting the district team to go to St. Louis, assuming at least for now that we will be going.
- We usually take 1 team of 6 people.
- After the round robin, we do 1-3 rounds of individual quizzing.
- The district team will be determined by taking a combination of each person's average from the preliminary rounds and his/her total from the individual rounds.
- For anyone arriving Friday, Wheeler is hosting a campfire and outdoor movie at the Coles' house. Arrive any time after 6:00, movie will likely start about 7:00, going until about 9:00. Contact Daniel for the address.
- Plan to attend Winter Retreat (January 21-23). Registration is $125 if submitted on time, or $140 if it's late.
- Start thinking about Sterling (February 18-19, Roman 1 - James 2).
Quiz @ Richland Center - October 9
Posted 03 Oct, 2021 06:36 PM by Stephen
- COVID protocols:
- Masks will be required for everyone, except when we're eating lunch.
- Anyone with possible symptoms must stay home. Coaches are encouraged to check temperatures before coming, and they will be checked upon arrival.
- Location is Richland Center.
- Arrive by 9:30am.
- Material is Romans 1-8.
- Review General Info, particularly:
- Registration costs and options
- For your new quizzers: Photo release forms
- Register your team(s) after you sign up/log in.
- Register any memory verse awards (cupcakes!):
- Let Stephen know if you have a quizzer or adult who would be willing to share how God has been using the quizzing material in their life.
- Lunch is sandwiches, chili, chicken dumpling soup, fruit, and dessert. No cost is being set, but a basket will be available for those who would like to give a donation.
- Deadline to register and get payment in for QuizFest (October 15-16, Romans 1-7) is 10:00pm on Sunday, 10/10.
Quiz @ Sparta - September 11
Posted 04 Sep, 2021 10:39 PM by Stephen
- COVID protocols:
- One person for each group needs to fill out this survey so we have a sense of overall vaccination numbers.
- Masks will be required for everyone, except when we're eating lunch.
- Anyone with possible symptoms must stay home. Coaches are encouraged to check temperatures before coming, and they will be checked upon arrival.
- Location is Sparta.
- Arrive by 9:30am.
- Material is Romans 1-4.
- Review General Info, particularly:
- Registration costs and options
- For your new quizzers: Photo release forms
- Register your team(s) after you sign up/log in.
- Register any memory verse awards (cupcakes!):
- Let Stephen know if you have a quizzer or adult who would be willing to share how God has been using the quizzing material in their life.
- Lunch is pizza, tacos, and drinks at the church for $5.
- Start planning for QuizFest (October 15-16, Romans 1-7).
District Finals - Online - March 20
Posted 13 Mar, 2021 04:56 PM by Stephen
District Finals will be online as we continue to deal with COVID-19.
- A link to the video conference will be sent to coaches either Friday night or Saturday morning.
- Each quizzer will need their own device that can connect to the internet in order to join the video conference and navigate to the website we'll use for "jumping." If multiple people are together in one room, all of them should have headphones with mics in order to avoid a bunch of feedback.
- We'll start at 9:00am, so feel free to start joining the conference any time between 8:30 and 9:00.
- Material is Matthew 1-28.
- Review General Info, particularly:
- For your new quizzers: Photo release forms
- Note that there will be no registration fees for the quizzes we do online.
- Register your team(s) after you sign up/log in.
- Register any memory verse awards:
- Spend some time with your quizzers reflecting on how the material we've studied this year has impacted their lives, and encourage them (and yourself) to be ready to share very briefly at the end of the day. It could be as simple as their favorite verse from the year and why that verse is important to them.
- We'll likely finish around 1:00.
- T-shirts are in and the final cost is $10 per shirt.
- Celebrate Life has been canceled, but a field quiz is still planned. Logistics (in-person vs. virtual, dates, and location if in-person) and whether we will participate as a district are still being figured out, but assuming we participate, we will limit the team to just 5 this year.