Online Quiz - February 13
Posted 07 Feb, 2021 07:01 PM by Stephen
The February quiz will be online as we continue to deal with COVID-19.
- A link to the video conference will be sent to coaches either Friday night or Saturday morning.
- Each quizzer will need their own device that can connect to the internet in order to join the video conference and navigate to the website we'll use for "jumping." If multiple people are together in one room, all of them should have headphones with mics in order to avoid a bunch of feedback.
- We'll start at 9:00am, so feel free to start joining the conference any time between 8:30 and 9:00.
- Material is Matthew 1-24.
- Review General Info, particularly:
- For your new quizzers: Photo release forms
- Note that there will be no registration fees for the quizzes we do online.
- Register your team(s) after you sign up/log in.
- Register any memory verse awards:
- Let Stephen know if you have a quizzer or adult who would be willing to share how God has been using the quizzing material in their life.
- We'll likely finish sometime between 12:00 and 1:00.
- T-shirts have been ordered and the final cost is $10 per shirt.
- Sterling has been canceled this year.
Online Quiz - January 16
Posted 10 Jan, 2021 10:25 PM by Stephen
The January quiz will be online as we continue to deal with COVID-19.
- A link to the video conference will be sent to coaches either Friday night or Saturday morning.
- Each quizzer will need their own device that can connect to the internet in order to join the video conference and navigate to the website we'll use for "jumping." If multiple people are together in one room, all of them should have headphones with mics in order to avoid a bunch of feedback.
- We'll start at 9:00am, so feel free to start joining the conference any time between 8:30 and 9:00.
- Material is Matthew 16-20 (note that we are not including Matthew 1-15 this quiz--just the new material).
- Review General Info, particularly:
- For your new quizzers: Photo release forms
- Note that there will be no registration fees for the quizzes we do online.
- Register your team(s) after you sign up/log in.
- Register any memory verse awards:
- Let Stephen know if you have a quizzer or adult who would be willing to share how God has been using the quizzing material in their life.
- Orders for t-shirts are due this Saturday, so make sure you've sent your group's order to Daniel. Estimate is about $10 per shirt, but depends on the number ordered. Everyone who might make the district team at the end of the year should get one since Celebrate Life still has a chance of happening so far.
- We'll likely finish sometime between 12:00 and 1:00.
- Sterling has been canceled this year.
Online Quiz - December 5
Posted 29 Nov, 2020 11:37 AM by Stephen
The "November" quiz will be online as we continue to deal with COVID-19.
- A link to the video conference will be sent to coaches either Friday night or Saturday morning.
- Each quizzer will need their own device that can connect to the internet in order to join the video conference and navigate to the website we'll use for "jumping." If multiple people are together in one room, all of them should have headphones with mics in order to avoid a bunch of feedback.
- We'll start at 9:00am, so feel free to start joining the conference any time between 8:30 and 9:00.
- Material is Matthew 1-15.
- Review General Info, particularly:
- For your new quizzers: Photo release forms
- Note that there will be no registration fees for the quizzes we do online.
- Register your team(s) after you sign up/log in.
- Register any memory verse awards:
- Let Stephen know if you have a quizzer or adult who would be willing to share how God has been using the quizzing material in their life.
- As shown at the last quiz, we have the design for the t-shirt, so we'll be announcing details for ordering.
- We'll likely finish sometime between 12:00 and 1:00.
Online Quiz - October 17
Posted 10 Oct, 2020 07:46 PM by Stephen
October's quiz will be online as we continue to deal with COVID-19.
- A link to the video conference will be sent to coaches either Friday night or Saturday morning.
- Each quizzer will need their own device that can connect to the internet in order to join the video conference and navigate to the website we'll use for "jumping." If multiple people are together in one room, all of them should have headphones with mics in order to avoid a bunch of feedback.
- We'll start at 1:00pm this time, so feel free to start joining the conference any time between 12:30 and 1:00.
- Material is Matthew 1-9.
- Review General Info, particularly:
- For your new quizzers: Photo release forms
- Note that there will be no registration fees for the quizzes we do online.
- Register your team(s) after you sign up/log in.
- Register any memory verse awards:
- Matthew 1-4
- Matthew 5-7
- (Matthew 8-9 will still be included in the third section of memory verse awards.)
- Let Stephen know if you have a quizzer or adult who would be willing to share how God has been using the quizzing material in their life.
- Since we're starting at 1:00, eat lunch before the quiz.
- We'll try to wrap everything up by 5:00.
- Note that QuizFest has been canceled this year.