2010-2011 Quiz Year Begins!

Posted 04 Sep, 2010 01:55 PM by Stephen

Preparations have been in progress.  Quizzers have started studying.  Coaches are teaching.  And the first quiz is approaching.

This site will be a source of information that I would like to communicate in place of sending book-length e-mails (as I have been known to do in the past). :)  Of course, if you have any questions about the information posted here, please don't hesitate to e-mail or call me.

Some general information about how the quiz days typically run:

  • We try to start by 10:00am, so please plan to arrive before then to allow time to verify that everyone came who was registered.
  • There is a registration cost of $5 per quizzer each quiz.  More details available in a separate blog post.
  • We begin with a brief opening where I give any announcements for the day, go over the schedule, and answer any final questions.  This year my goal is also to take a few minutes to share something that I have learned from studying the chapters we are covering.
  • We then quiz a few rounds, break for lunch, and come back to quiz several more rounds.
  • After statistics are compiled (a matter of minutes because of QuizMachine!), awards are presented, I give any final announcements, and we head home.  Everything is usually completed by 3:00 or 4:00pm, depending on how many rounds we do.
  • Lunch is often provided by the host church for a small fee ($3-$5).  This allows us to keep things moving faster since we don't have to go out somewhere, and it tends to be more affordable.
  • In the morning rounds, we usually quiz as teams; in the afternoon, we sometimes continue quizzing as teams, but other times we will split everyone up based on how well they did in the morning.  This gives the top quizzers a chance to push each other a little more, and the lower quizzers have more of an opportunity to get questions.  Other larger districts have Varsity/JV divisions like this that the quizzers quiz in all day.
  • We award the top individual a trophy, and 2nd through 5th places get medals.  The top 3 rookies (first-year quizzers, regardless of age/grade) also get medals.  The top team takes the traveling district plaque home and will be added to it.

Now for more about the first quiz:

  • It will be held at Wheeler New Life on September 11.
  • Material covered is John 1-3.
  • Please register the quizzers who will be coming.  Complete this by Thursday, September 9.
    • In order to register your team, you need to have a user for the site.
    • If you do not have a user yet, please click the "Signup" link at the top of this page.  Provide your information and then send me and/or Todd Olson an e-mail letting us know that you need coaches-level access.
    • Once you have a user, click the "Login" link, log in, and then go to the "Schedule" page and click "Register" for the 9/11 quiz; or click the "Register for this event" link on the right side of this page after logging in.
  • Lunch will be available for $5.00 per person.
  • Because we have several new churches getting involved, we will try to be flexible with some of the rules, but we'll make sure we also point things out so the teens (and coaches) can learn how they are supposed to be handled.
  • If your group needs to travel the night before, Ronda may be able to make the church available, she mentioned possibly having room at her house, or Hotel 6 and Super 8 in Menomonie are reasonable.

You will also notice a bunch of "Memory Verses" events on the Schedule page.  There is a separate blog post to explain how this will work.  For the first quiz, you would only need to pay attention to the one for John 1-3.  Please do not confuse this with the actual registration for the quiz itself.

If I think of anything else, I'll add try to add it here and send an e-mail.

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Sterling Invitational

Posted 14 Jan, 2010 09:34 PM by Stephen

The Sterling Invitational is a tournament for local church teams and will take place on Saturday, February 20, in Sterling, IL.  You can register your team at the Sterling Invitational site.

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Posted 14 Dec, 2009 07:32 PM by Todd

Welcome to the official website for Wisconsin Nazarene Bible Quizzing!

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