Quiz @ Wausau - January 8
Posted 01 Jan, 2011 08:46 PM by Stephen
The next quiz is this coming Saturday, January 8, at Wausau. I haven't been there yet, but I believe most of us will need to park on the street as there isn't much parking space on the property.
The most important thing to note is the material being covered: John 10-14 (we will not be using questions from John 1-9 at this quiz). I like to provide this opportunity for new/prospective quizzers to be able to compete in the middle of the year without feeling behind. It also motivates the experienced quizzers to keep studying through some of the busiest months of the year as they can't rely on the chapters they have already studied.
Lunch is being planned. $5 for two hot dogs or spaghetti, chips, dessert, and pop/water.
I would appreciate it if everyone could register by Wednesday (January 5) this time, at least so we can get the number of teams and determine how many rooms are needed (and whether it will be 2- or 3-team quizzing), as well as what kind of/how many rounds we'll end the day with.
Remember to register any quizzers who have completed any of the memory verse sections.
This post has 0 comment(s).Quiz @ Mattoon - November 6
Posted 02 Nov, 2010 11:29 PM by Stephen
We have another quiz coming up this Saturday at Mattoon. Material covered will be John 1-9. Register by Thursday.
Lunch will be at the church for $3.
We will also be selecting the district team to go to St. Louis. Further details TBA.
This post has 0 comment(s).Quiz @ Baraboo - October 9
Posted 04 Oct, 2010 10:11 PM by Stephen
The next quiz is this Saturday at Baraboo First, and we will cover John 1-6. Please register by Thursday.
Please note: lunch will not be provided. Everyone should bring their own lunch or plan on going out. There are several restaurants within 10 minutes of the church.
For anyone interested, but particularly new quizzers, we will have a training session at the beginning of the day to focus on jumping technique. That will begin at 9:30am regardless of whether anyone is running late. The normal opening will then begin at 10:00am and we'll go from there into the quizzing.
After the round robin, we will finish with one or more individual rounds (number of rounds to be determined by how many we do in the round robin). The top 8 quizzers will quiz against each other in one room, and 9-16 will quiz against each other in another room. Everyone else is encouraged to watch and cheer for their friends. Those in the quiz-off will start with their average from the round robin, and their score in the individual round(s) will be added to it to determine final placement. The one caveat is that the 9-16 quizzers cannot finish higher than 9th place, even if they end up with a higher score at the end than the 8th place person.
I will also be announcing how scholarships will be awarded since the NYI council has approved the distribution. We will have several to give out at the end of the year--scholarships for placement at District Finals and scholarships for graduating seniors.
This post has 0 comment(s).Bible Study Maps
Posted 13 Sep, 2010 08:07 AM by Stephen
At the quiz on Saturday, I mentioned the Tibis' "Study Maps." You may remember them from when they visited many churches on our district and taught some of the Articles of Faith using the Study Maps they created for those. It is a very effective visual technique for learning and many of our quizzers may find the John materials very useful. If any of you are interested, the main website is http://www.studymaps.org/ and the material for John is at http://www.studymaps.org/john/index.html.
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