Quiz @ Green Bay - September 13

Posted 08 Sep, 2014 11:05 PM by Stephen

Details for the first quiz:

  • Review information available on the General Info page (link also in the menu at the top) to ensure you are up-to-date on the following:
  • Sign up as a user on this site if you haven't already (you need to do this in order to register your team).
    • If you previously signed up and forgot your password, there is a link on the Login page to reset it, or let me know and I can reset it.
  • Register your team(s) here (after logging in).
    • Please register by 5:00pm on Thursday (9/11).
    • If you have 6 or more quizzers, register your teams the way you would prefer them to be split, but also e-mail me your other options (in case I need to split you 4-2 instead of 3-3, etc.).
  • Register your equipment.
  • If you (coaches or teens) have questions about the material you've studied, send them to me by Wednesday (9/10) so I have time to prepare to answer them.
  • The quiz is at Green Bay Grace Harbor.
  • Arrive by 9:30am.
  • The material being covered is Acts 1-4.
  • Lunch will be provided at the church for $5 and will include 2 slices of pizza, chips, and a drink. We'll need a count of how many want sausage, pepperoni, and cheese at the beginning of the day.
  • Because we will have several new quizzers, we will try to be flexible with some of the rules, but we'll make sure we also point things out so the teens (and coaches) can learn how they are supposed to be handled.
  • Registration for QuizFest is open!
  • There is also a new Great Lakes Invitational tournament starting up this year in Howell, MI, on September 27 if anyone is interested.
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District Finals @ Racine Community - March 15

Posted 09 Mar, 2014 04:05 PM by Stephen

  • The quiz is at Racine Community.
  • Need to stay Friday night? Let Brent Fox know ASAP.
  • If you (coaches or teens) have questions about the material you've studied, send them to me by Wednesday (3/12) so I have time to prepare to answer them.
  • Remember at this quiz I like to have quizzers and leaders share the things that have most impacted them as they've studied throughout the year. Please have your group start thinking about that.
  • Register your team(s).
    • Please register by 5:00pm on Thursday (3/13).
    • If you have 6 or more quizzers, register your teams the way you would prefer them to be split, but also e-mail me your other options (in case I need to split you 4-2 instead of 3-3, etc.).
  • Register your equipment.
  • Register any memory verse awards:
  • Bring any photo release forms that you haven't submitted yet.
  • Bring $14 if you ordered a t-shirt and have not paid for/received it yet.
  • Arrive by 9:30am.
  • The material being covered is Romans 1 - James 5 (everything).
  • Lunch will be taco bar for $5 at the church.
  • Register for District Celebrate Life. All quizzers (except those in sixth grade) need to register since District Finals are part of Celebrate Life.
  • We will be selecting the district team to go to both Regional Celebrate Life and Q2014. For both events, we will only have one team. We will take exactly five quizzers to Q2014, but we will take at least six quizzers to RCL. Depending on other activities those quizzers are involved in at RCL, we may add a seventh. If your quizzers might possibly make the district team, please come prepared with their availability for practices.
  • There is a post-quiz opportunity for your teams to support Kristin Moore's jazz band at a fundraiser where they will be performing. The info is available on their Facebook event page.
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Quiz @ Wheeler - February 8

Posted 03 Feb, 2014 10:46 PM by Stephen

  • The quiz is at Wheeler.
  • We are especially in need of officials for this quiz. Please let me know who is coming with you and is willing to help out.
  • If you (coaches or teens) have questions about the material you've studied, send them to me by Wednesday (2/5) so I have time to prepare to answer them.
  • Register your team(s).
    • Please register by 5:00pm on Thursday (2/6).
    • If you have 6 or more quizzers, register your teams the way you would prefer them to be split, but also e-mail me your other options (in case I need to split you 4-2 instead of 3-3, etc.).
  • Register your equipment.
  • Register any memory verse awards:
  • Bring any photo release forms that you haven't submitted yet.
  • Bring $14 if you ordered a t-shirt and have not paid for/received it yet.
  • Arrive by 9:30am.
  • The material being covered is Romans 1 - James 2.
  • Lunch will be homemade fire-grilled pizza.
  • Registration deadline for Sterling (February 14-15, Romans 1 - James 2) is Friday, 2/7.
    • Let me know ASAP if you have someone who wants to go, but not a full team.
    • Send Kris and me your list of exactly who is coming if you would like to join the whole district in a hotel so we can share rooms and reduce costs for everyone. We can arrange those acccommodations.
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February/March Quiz Locations

Posted 13 Jan, 2014 09:40 PM by Stephen

Due to a scheduling conflict, the original locations for the February and March quizzes have switched.  The new locations are as follows:

  • February 8: Wheeler
  • March 15: Racine Community

The schedule has been updated with this information.

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