Quiz @ Mauston - February 11
Posted 06 Feb, 2017 10:48 PM by Stephen
- Location is Mauston.
- Arrive by 9:30am.
- Material is Luke 1-20.
- New quizzers need a photo release form.
- Register your team(s) after you sign up/log in.
- Register any memory verse awards (cupcakes!):
- Lunch will be on your own--plan to go out somewhere or bring your own.
- T-shirts can be ordered at this quiz and will be about $13 each. See Daniel to place your orders.
- Register for Sterling (February 17-18, Luke 1-21) by Friday, 2/10.
- Plan to attend Team Day (March 18).
Quiz @ Racine Community - January 14
Posted 08 Jan, 2017 04:31 PM by Stephen
- Location is Racine Community.
- Arrive by 9:30am.
- Material is Luke 13-17 (note that we are not including Luke 1-12 this quiz--just the new material).
- New quizzers need a photo release form.
- Register your team(s) after you sign up/log in.
- Register any memory verse awards (cupcakes!):
- Lunch is TBD.
- Consider attending the Lela Close Memorial Tournament (January 20-21, Luke 1-18).
- Register for Winter Retreat (January 27-29):
- Start planning for Sterling (February 17-18, Luke 1-21).
Quiz @ Richland Center - November 12
Posted 06 Nov, 2016 10:14 PM by Stephen
- Location is Richland Center.
- Arrive by 9:30am.
- Material is Luke 1-12.
- New quizzers need a photo release form.
- Register your team(s) after you sign up/log in.
- Register any memory verse awards (cupcakes!):
- Lunch will be brisket, mac and cheese, salad, and dessert at the church for $5.
- As this is our last quiz before December, we will be selecting the district team to go to St. Louis.
- We will take 1 team of 6 people.
- After the round robin, we do 1-3 rounds of individual quizzing.
- The top 6 will be determined by taking a combination of each person's average from the preliminary rounds and his/her total from the individual rounds.
- Consider attending the Lela Close Memorial Tournament (January 20-21, Luke 1-18).
- Start thinking about Sterling (February 17-18, Luke 1-21).
Quiz @ Columbus - October 8
Posted 03 Oct, 2016 10:37 PM by Stephen
- Location is Columbus.
- Arrive by 9:30am.
- Material is Luke 1-7.
- Review General Info, particularly:
- Registration costs and options
- For your new quizzers: Photo release forms
- Register your team(s) after you sign up/log in.
- Register any memory verse awards:
- Lunch will be on your own. Feel free to bring a lunch or join those of us who will go out somewhere.
- There may be an opportunity for a mini service project for the church. It would be a great way to say thank you to the church for hosting us, and also give us a little more interaction together outside of our quiz rounds. Details TBD, but intent is for it to be optional, fairly quick, and not be messy to the point of needing a change of clothes.
- Deadline to register for QuizFest is Friday, October 7.